itching, and an unpleasant odor are just some of the common symptoms of vaginal
infections. But treatments vary by condition, so it’s important to know which
type of vaginal infection you have.
to Dr Abiodun Akinola, consultant gynecologist and Medical Director, Tobiloba
Hospital, Abeokuta, vaginal infections are very common so most women will experience
some form of vaginal infection or inflammation during their lifetime. A healthy
vagina has many bacteria and yeast. However, some things such as douches,
hormone level changes, antibiotics, sexual intercourse, pregnancy and
breastfeeding could disturb the vagina’s healthy balance.
The most
common types of vaginal infections is yeast infection. It is caused by one of
the many species of fungus known as Candida. Candida live naturally in your
body in small numbers, including in the vagina, and usually don’t cause any
harm. However, Candida thrive in a warm, moist, airless environment and, under
those conditions, can grow in number, causing a vaginal infection.
of a vaginal yeast infection include a thick, white discharge that some women
describe as resembling cottage cheese. Yeast infections also can cause vaginal
itching and redness of the vulva; the lips of the external female genital area
and vagina.
vaginosis. Along with yeast, “friendly” bacteria called lactobacilli live in
the vagina. When the number of lactobacilli gets too low, it can trigger a
condition called bacterial vaginosis. Why bacteria levels change is not known,
but the normal lactobacilli can be replaced by other infection-causing
bacteria. With bacterial vaginosis, a woman may see a thick or whitish
discharge or one that is slippery and clear. It is not likely to itch or burn.
A fishy odour may be noticeable, especially during intercourse.
vaginitis. Of the three most common vaginal infections, trichomonas vaginitis
is the only one that is a true sexually transmitted infection it is commonly
called “trich,” it is caused by a single-celled parasite, trichomonas
vaginalis, and is passed from partner to partner during intercourse.
symptoms of trichomonas vaginitis are similar to other vaginal infections:
burning, irritation, redness, and swelling of the vulva, with a yellow-gray or
greenish vaginal discharge, possibly with a fishy odor. Some women also
experience pain during urination.
to Dr Biodun Akinola, other common vaginal infections and causes of vaginal
itching include: Chlamydia vaginitis; a sexually transmitted disease that can
cause inflammation of the vagina. Some women will have a discharge with
chlamydia and some will not. A more common symptom is bleeding, especially
after intercourse. “Sexually active women up to age 26 should be tested
annually for chlamydia because it so often comes without symptoms and can
linger and do a fair amount of damage to fertility, he emphasised
vaginitis; this is when the skin around the vagina becomes sensitive to an
irritant such as scented tampons, perfumed soaps, or fabric softeners. This is
not an infection, and the solution is simple: Do not use whatever you are
reacting to.
is a condition in which women have chronic pain or discomfort of the vulva
without a known cause. The symptoms are similar to vaginal infections: burning,
stinging, rawness, soreness, and swelling. Symptoms may be constant or
vaginosis Viruses also can cause vaginal infections. Most viruses are spread
through sexual contact. “The herpes simplex virus is a common cause of viral
vaginosis. Symptoms include pain in the genital area from lesions or sores.
Most of the time, you can see the sores on the vulva or vagina, but they can
also be hidden and seen only during an examination by your gynaecologist.
stated that, these infections can be treated, but it is important to know which
infection you have so that the right medication is prescribed.
How to
prevent yeast infections
vaginal yeast infections are rarely serious, you can prevent them from
occurring in the first place.
For most
women, yeast infection symptoms are just plain annoying — a vaginal yeast
infection is rarely dangerous. Still, you can take steps to prevent yeast
infections. The following tips will help you to do just that.
good hygiene
care and hygiene can go a long way when it comes to preventing vaginal yeast
infections. Be sure to:
well: Keeping the vagina clean will not only keep you smelling fresh, it can
also help prevent yeast infections. When bathing, be sure to clean the inside
folds of the vagina where yeast is likely to grow.
thoroughly: Because yeast thrives in moist environments, it’s important to dry
the entire vaginal area after taking a shower or bath. You may even want to use
a blow dryer on a low, cool setting to get rid of excess moisture.
Wear the
right clothes
The way
you dress can affect your risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection. To
prevent such infections, keep these tips in mind:
natural: Cotton and silk underwear absorb moisture, keeping you dry. On the
other hand, nylon and other synthetic fabrics hold moisture close to your skin,
encouraging the growth of yeast.
your clothes: Don’t sit around in sweaty gym clothes or a wet bathing suit.
Change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Also, change your underwear often
to prevent dampness.
pantyhose: Pantyhose, tights, and leggings can cause heat and moisture to build
up in the crotch area. If you do wear pantyhose, be sure to wear cotton panties
underneath, and choose pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
Pass on pyjamas:
Avoid snug-fitting pyjama; a loose, flowing nightgown is preferable. And going
without underwear while you sleep will help keep your genital area dry and
discourage yeast growth.
unnecessary cosmetics
cosmetic products can encourage the production of yeast. You can stay well by:
scented soaps: bubble baths, and feminine sprays: Perfumes can be irritating to
the sensitive area inside the vagina, and that can increase your risk of
getting a yeast infection. Also avoid scented sanitary pads and tampons and
colored or printed toilet paper — dyes can also be irritating.
heat: Yeast organisms love warm and moist environments. It is best to avoid
taking long hot baths or soaking in a hot tub. Also don’t wear tight clothing
that will prevent air from circulating around the crotch area, especially in
the summer.
Do not
washing out the inside of the vagina with liquid destroys not only harmful
bacteria, but also the helpful kind that keep yeast under control douche
products also wash away the natural protective lining of the vagina, leaving
you more susceptible to yeast and other vaginal infections.
and yeast infections
Watch the
meds you take: Antibiotics kill not only bad bacteria, but also good bacteria
that can prevent an overgrowth of yeast. “Recent antibiotic use, like for a
bladder infection, is one of the most common risk factors for getting a yeast
infection. Taking oral steroids and birth control pills may also increase your
risk. If you have frequent yeast infections, talk to your doctor about the medications
you take. There may be alternatives available.
Personal Care Tips
As with
most illnesses and infections, taking care of your body overall can help you
stay healthy. Be sure to:
enough sleep: Usually your immune system helps keep yeast under control. But if
you get run down from skimping on sleep, your immune system may not be able to
do its job. Try keeping a regular sleep schedule and avoiding exercise,
caffeine, and heavy meals within three hours of bedtime. Immune-depressing
diseases such as diabetes and HIV can also increase the risk of yeast
infections. Additionally, if you have diabetes, it’s important to keep your
blood sugar levels under control to prevent yeast infections.
your diet: Some studies suggest that eating yogurt with active cultures may
help the body combat an overgrowth of yeast. Dunham also recommends limiting
your intake of sugar. There’s some evidence that sugar may help promote the
growth of yeast